Petri Salmela
Here are some graphics that I have made with Inkscape, a free vector illustration program. Inkscape uses xml-based svg, an open standard created by W3C's SVG Working group, as it's native file format. Most modern web browsers, including mobile ones, can view svg-images natively. Some of them better than the others. Svg-format is also recommended file format for line art graphics, like maps and coats of arms, in Wikipedia.
As you can see, Inkscape is a great tool for both drawing and making web graphics. Yes, those ivy leaves have also been done with Inkscape.
This picture was drawn for my wedding invitations. It is based on a photo, but was heavily simplified to get that "artistic" feeling.
Kate Winslet
These two pictures are also made with Inkscape and are based on some photos I found in the Internet. The other one is still unfinished.
Monica Bellucci
Monica Bellucci, an Italian actress and fashion model. With Inkscape and Wacom Volito 2.